Interview questions on Base SAS and Advance SAS Online Training
- What are the versions available in SAS?
- What is the present version you are using ?
- Show the difference between SAS Formats and Informats?
- Write the purpose of trailing @ and @@ ?
- Explain SAS / ACCESS and SAS / CONNECT?
- Write SUBSTR vs. SCAN Function?
- Define COALESCE Function?
- Show the difference between %LOCAL and % GLOBAL?
- Show the difference between PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS?
- Write four set operators?
- What is SAS Catalog?
- Types of ways to combining sas Datasets?
- Show the different ways of getting data in to SAS?
- What is sas PICTURE Formats?
- What is meant my MERGE Statement?
- What is DATA_NULL_?
- Explain how do you delete observations?
- What is meant my PDV?
- Explain the Functions of Program Data Vector?
- Write about five compile time statements ?
- What is ODS Statements?
- Explain ODS Functions?
- What is SAS hash Table?
- What is macro quoting functions?
- What is Call SYMPUTX?
Course Description
The Base SAS Certification formally known as “SAS Certified Base Program for the SAS 9 Credential” is the certification for novices in SAS programming. This training course introduces the users with SAS system, fundamental data concepts as well as structure of SAS programming. This discusses the fundamental statements used while coding the SAS programs, with the use of SAS log for troubleshooting coding errors, as well as diverse modes to execute SAS. This series also includes optional statements utilized for modifying data, options, and statements accessible to plan features in DATA step. Making specialized output as well as fundamental statistical procedures is covered also. Supplementary topics examined consist of using SAS information libraries, combining as well as updating the SAS information sets.
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SKYPE ID: adithyaelearning
Contact : +91 8790679998,
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