Search Results - SAS Platform Administrator

SAS Certified Platform Administrator Certification in India

SAS A00-250 Exam Summary:
Exam Name SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9
Exam Code A00-250
Exam Duration 3hrs
Exam Questions 70 multiple-choice and short-answer questions
Passing Score 70%
Exam Price $180 (USD)
Training Getting Started with the Platform for SAS Business
SAS Platform Administration: Fast Track SAS Platform
Administration: Metadata Administration SAS Platform
Administration: System Administration
Exam Registration Pearson VUE
Sample Questions SAS Platform Administrator Certification Sample Question
Practice Exam SAS Platform Administrator Certification Practice Exam
SAS A00-250 Exam Topics:
Objective Details
Securing the SAS configuration – Regularly manage and apply hot fixes. – Apply SAS maintenance packs. – Perform SAS license updates
Monitoring the Status and Operation of SAS Metadata Servers – Explain the functionality of the object spawner.
– Use the Server Manager plug-in to monitor SAS servers.
– Use Environment Manager to evaluate the resources available on the SAS servers.
Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers – Change logging levels and locate logs.
– Enable trace logging.
– Explain the difference between default logging and customized logging.
– Utilize dynamic logging.
Backing Up the SAS Environment – View backup and recovery history.
– Run an immediate (ad hoc) backup.
– Customize backups.
– View information about backup and recovery sources.
Administering Users Determine when to store passwords in the metadata.

Manage internal SAS accounts.

Identify SAS server authentication mechanisms.

Administering Data Access Pre-assign a library.

Troubleshoot data access problems.

Use the metadata LIBNAME engine

Managing Metadata – Use the metadata folder structure to manage access to metadata.

Create and use Access Control Templates.

SAS Platform Administrator Course Content, Material and Course Online Training and  Videos Details are available Click here


What is Linux Administration in SAS?

What is Linux Administration in SAS?

There are a large number of organizations that look forward to incorporating or implementing Linux administration in SAS. With the use of the application called SAS Visual Analytics distributed deployment; it is the one and the only choice. However, there are many who choose to go for Linux administration because it helps them in reducing the operational expenditures. Proper analyzation of the SAS in a Linux environment and have a clear understanding of Linux methods and commands are very important for troubleshooting in the SAS Platform environment.

Trying Out Linux

There are many administrators who are into accessing Linux administration remotely simply by making use of a secure shell client. These are applications that can easily be downloaded on the desktops of the users. These applications help the users in securely accessing the Linux environment as if they were on the Linux terminal. Users get the flexibility of running commands that give them the flexibility of interacting with Linux. For logging in, the users require an account on the Linux system. This might even be their network account. Once the procedure of accessing the environment is complete, the users can start with the process of exploring the structure of the directory. There are different paths in Linux and they are basically directories and folders where the files are located.

What is METADATA Security in SAS Administration Course Online

Introduction to Metadata Security


  1. Identity how the metadata authorization layer interacts with other security layers.
  2. Identity where metadata permissions are assigned
  3. Identity to whom metadata permissions are assigned
  4. Identity how metadata permissions are assigned
  5. Explore how metadata authorization decisions are made.


What is UNIX Administration in SAS

What is UNIX Administration in SAS?

SAS is generally referred to as the leader in the field of analytics. It is one of the most innovative software programs that can inspire and enable its clients across the globe to transform data into intelligence. SAS administrators have different roles to play and these include data-oriented support, user-oriented support, and platform oriented support. UNIX administration in SAS is of great importance especially for the administrators who carry out the task of creating contact between the enterprise infrastructure support and the developer teams for ensuring prior delivery of technological solutions according to the requirements and the objectives of a business.

The Responsibilities of UNIX Administrators
The UNIX administration in SAS ensures that the software is perfectly positioned for complete compliance with IT policies and standards as agreed upon service levels. Good quality and skilled UNIX administrators will possess the potential of interfacing with the different aspects of the IT infrastructure and this goes special mainly because it pertains to coming up with the best practices while making suggestions and closely working with SAS for making it fit with the already existing IT standards and rules. Administrators generally have in-depth knowledge of the
UNIX platform and its use in SAS.

Certification Course Content 


SAS Business Intelligence Online Training Course Content

SAS BI Course Content
Introduction to DWH / BI Concepts

  • SAS Web Report Studio 4.2
  • SAS EG 4.2
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.2
  • SAS Data Integration Studio 4.2
  • SAS BI Dashboard 4.2
  • SAS Management Console 9.2
  • SAS Stored Process 4.2
  • SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.2
  • SAS Stored Process Web Application 4.2
  • SAS Web OLAP Viewer for Java 4.2
  • Course Notes (Case Studies/ Exercises)
  • SAS Add-In for Ms Office 4.2
  • SAS Information Map Studio
  • LFS
  • Platform flow Manager PFM
  • SAS Web OLAP Viewer
  • SAS BI Dashboard 4.2

Chapter 1

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Audience

Chapter 2

  • Getting Started: The SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • Overview
  • Open the Portal and Log On
  • Create a Page and Add It to Your Navigation Bar
  • Add a SAS BI Dashboard Portlet to a Page

Chapter 3

  •  Working with Lists
  • Overview
  • Scroll Through a List
  • Delete One or More Items in a List
  • PART 2 Information for Dashboard Users 11

Chapter 4

  • Working in the SAS BI Dashboard Portlet
  • Select a Dashboard
  • Personalize a Dashboard
  • Personalize an Indicator
  • Create or Edit a Personal Indicator Alert
  • PART 3 Information for Dashboard Administrators 19

Chapter 5

  • Getting Started: Create a Dashboard
  • Create a Collection Portlet
  • Starting the SAS BI Dashboard from the SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • Creating a Dashboard
  • Create a Dashboard from Sample Data

Chapter 6

  • Data Models
  • Overview
  • Data Model Rules
  • Manage Data Models
  • Create or Edit a Data Model
  • Defining a Data Source

Chapter 7

  • Ranges
  • Manage Ranges
  • Create or Edit a Range

Chapter 8

  • Indicators
  • Overview
  • Manage Indicators
  • Create or Edit an Indicator
  • Indicator Displays
  • Indicator Alerts
  • Manage Dashboards
  • Create or Edit a Dashboard
  • Controlling the Appearance of a Dashboard
  • LSF
  • PFM

Data Warehousing Concepts (1week)

  • What is Data Warehousing
  • Why Use a Data Warehouse ?
  • Available Tools in the Market
  • Key Terms
  •  Architectural Concepts
  • Primary Components
  • What is ETL ?
  • Data Cleansing
  • Data Merging
  • Data Aggregation
  • Data Scrubbing
  • Historic Data
  • Current Data & Historical
  • Complete History
  • Limited/Unlimited Number of Histories
  • Load Types
  • First Time Load ( Initial Extraction )
  • Delta Load
  • Full Load
  • Incremental Loads
  • Schema Types
  • Star Schema
  • Snowflake Schema
  • Integrated Star Schema
  • Advantages of Each Schema
  • Dimensional Modeling Techniques
  • Conceptual Modeling
  • Logical Modeling
  • Physical Modeling
  • Named Input
  • Formatted Input
  • Data marts
  • Concept
  • Dependent vs Independent Data Mart
  • Enterprise Warehouse Schema
  • Implementation Methodology
  • Kimball Methodology
  • Inmon Methodology
  • Facts
  • Additive Facts
  • Semi Additive Facts
  • Non Additive Facts
  • Measures
  • Dimension Table Types
  • Slowly changing Dimensions
  • Type 1/2/3 Dimensions
  • Junk Dimensions
  • Confirmed Dimensions
  • Need of Time Dimension Comparison
  • Why is BI (Business Intelligence ) Required ?
  • OLTP
  • DSS
  • OLAP
  • Types of OLAP
  • DDE Triplet
  • Reporting Architecture
  • Database Layer
  • Interface Layer
  • Server Layer
  • Presentation layer
  • BI Server Systems
  • BI Client Systems and Functionalities
  • Hieracheis
  • Need of Hierarchies in Reporting
  • Need for ODS in Data Warehousing

SAS Enterprise Guide

  • Introduction on SAS EG Application.
  • Customizing SAS Enterprise Guide options
  • Setting up and managing profiles
  • Importing files from sources other than SAS
  • Accessing data via SAS libraries
  • Grouping and summarizing data
  • Gntroduction to querying data
  • Filtering and sorting data
  • Creating new columns with an expression
  • Joining tables
  • Grouping and summarizing data in a query (self-study)
  • Creating new columns by recoding values (self-study)
  • Creating a frequency report
  • Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF output
  • Creating a listing report
  • Creating a graph
  • Creating Stored Process from SAS EG.
  • Creating OLAP cubes from SAS EG.
  • Working on different STATASTICAL Procedures

SAS/DI STUDIO 4.2 (Data Integration Studio)

  • Exploring SAS Data Integration Studio
  • Working on Change Management
  • Explaining how to define source, target data structures and designing jobs.
  • Introduction to jobs and the job editor
  • Working with propagation and mappings
  • Working with intermediate files
  • Working with the extract transformation
  • Working with summary statistics transformation
  • Explore status handling for transformations and jobs
  • Working with the data validation transformation
  • Working with the sort transformation
  • Working with the append transformation
  • Working with the transpose transformation
  • Working with the apply lookup standardization transformation
  • Iterating a job with Loop transformations
  • Basics of the Table Loader transformation
  • Load styles of the Table Loader transformation
  • Table properties and load techniques of the Table Loader transformation
  • Introduction to change management and establishing a change management environment.
  • Defining slowly changing dimensions
  • Using the SCD type 2 Loader and Change Data capture transformations (Pre & Post Process).
  • Analyzing metadata using impact analysis
  • Deploying jobs for scheduling.
  • Deploying jobs as Stored Process.
  • Exporting and importing metadata
  • Building an OLAP cube
  • Building an information map
  • Building the dimensions
  • Building the fact tables.
  • Creating and Exploiting OLAP Using the SAS System

SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.2

  • Introduction to Online Analytical Processing
  • Overview of SAS OLAP Cube Studio
  • Registering metadata
  • Working with SAS OLAP Cubes Derived from Detail Tables
  • Creating a SAS OLAP Cube from a detail table
  • Generating aggregations using cross- dimensional tuning
  • Setting permissions using SAS Management Console
  • Viewing a SAS OLAP cube with SAS Enterprise Guide
  • Working with SAS OLAP Cubes Derived from Star Sachems
  • Creating a SAS OLAP cube from a star schema
  • Viewing a SAS OLAP cube with SAS Web OLAP Viewer for JAVA
  • Monitoring and Tuning a SAS OLAP Cube

SAS Web Report Studio 4.2

  • Introduction on SAS Web Report Studio
  • Calling Information Maps into WRS.
  • Creating filters at WRS
  • Creating Layouts for Reports.
  • Creating Prompts.
  • Customizable roles to authorize capabilities(From SMC)
  • Working on Report Creation and Templates.

SAS Information Delivery Portal

  • Introduction to SAS IDP
  • Adding a Portal page
  • Adding Contents to Portlet.
  • Adding portlets to page.
  • Utilize SAS EG to create content and publish packages to the framework
  • Viewing and managing portal content.
  • Portal Customization
  • Call Reports from WRS to IDP.
  • User level Authentication.
  • Designing Portal
  • Creating Dashboards.
  • Calling STP into IDP.
  • Cubes in PORTAL/
  • Sharing portal content.

SAS Information Map Studio ;

  • Introduction to SAS information Map Studio.
  • updating an information map with filters, folders, and data items
  • Adding additional data sources to an information map
  • Overview of information map pre-filters
  • Building a general pre-filter
  • Building an authorization-based pre-filter
  • Information Maps and Stored Process.
  • Overview of stored processes
  • Associating stored processes with an information map
  • Using information maps in SAS Web Report Studio
  • Overview of surfacing data with information maps
  • Using information maps in the SAS Information Delivery Portal
  • Using information maps in SAS Enterprise Guide
  • Using information maps in the SAS Add-In For Microsoft Office
  • Overview of OLAP cubes
  • Building an information map for an OLAP cube

SAS Management Console 9.2

  • User Creation and Permissions
  • Creating Libraries
  • Creating connections with Data Bases and SAS Applications
  • Creating Repository and creating Folders levels at Repository
  • Checking (TEST) connections for Different SAS Servers.
  • Creating Flows For Scheduling ,Creating Jobs with dependencies and without Dependencies.
  • Migration from Test Servers to Production servers.
  • What is Metadata Tree and its Uses.
  • Configuring Different Servers @SAS Management Console.
  • Explain The Structure at SERVER LEVEL and SMC LEVEL(like Where the log files, Config Files,

Batch Files, executable files are stored For running different servers successfully.)

  • Brief Explanation about LSF and Process Managers
  • Brief Explanation about WEB Servers like the purpose of XYTHOS ,TOMCAT,Websphere.
  • START and STOP Servers, Take Backups….

Register today to attend Free Instructor Led Online Demo 

SAS Administration Online Training Course

SAS Administration Online Training

SAS Administration Online Training


  • Define the architecture of the platform for SAS Business Analytics
  • Describe the Platform Administrator role.
  • Identify The Platform Administrator tasks.
  • Examine how to secure an SAS Platform configuration

Platform for SAS Business Analytics;

  • The platform for SAS Business Analytics is enterprise software with components that exist on multiple machines throughout the organization.
  • SAS Platform Architecture
  • The Platform for SAS Business Analytics consists of a Multiple-tier environment that is typically represented by the following.

1.Client Tier, 2.Web tier, 3.Server tier,  4.Data tier….

Windows; Client Tier ;

  1. SAS Management Console
  2. SAS Information Map Studio
  3. SAS Data Integration Studio
  4. Web Browser
  5. SAS Enterprise Guide
  6. SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
  7. SAS Private JRE
  • Server Tier
  • Windows UNIX Linux z/OS
  1. SAS/CONNECT Server
  2. Platform Suite for SAS
  3. SAS Foundation
  4. Bathc servers
  5. Object Spawner
  6. OLAP Server
  7. Stored Process Server
  8. Workspace server
  9. SAS/SHARE Server
  • Data Tier
  • Windows Unix Linux z/OS
  1. RDBMS Tables
  2. SAS Data sets
  3. OLAP Cubes
  4. SPD Files
  5. ERP data structures
  6. Other Data Sources
  • Windows Unix
  • Web Tier
  1. Java Servlet Container
  2. SAS Web Report Studio
  3. SAS Information Delivery Portal
  4. SAS Stored Process Web Application
  5. J2SE SDK
  6. WebDAV Server
  7. SAS Services Application

SAS is a world leader in the Data Analysis with multiple industries as well as different domains around the world. SAS is constantly performing finest in the Quality, Growth, Services, as well as Opportunities around the world, providing advanced technology you require to change the way one does business. SAS offers one integrated procedure for analyzing the data from all sources as well as gaining predictive power for driving change at all levels. SAS is the tool utilized in over 118 countries as well as being utilized in many domains including Market Research, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst, Banking, Clinical, Pharmacy, Data Warehousing, Insurance, etc.

SAS is a market leader in providing new generations of business aptitude services and software which creates real enterprise intelligence. The SAS solution is utilized with over 40,000 websites together with 96 of Top 100 companies with FORTUNE Global 500 companies for developing more gainful relationships with the suppliers and customers to allow superior, more precise and up to date decisions; as well as to drive the organizations forward. SAS is a vendor which completely incorporates chief data warehousing, conventional BI applications, and analytics to generate intelligence from enormous data amounts. For almost 30 years, SAS is providing customers across the world.

Features and Advantages of SAS Training

For features and benefits, we love to inform you that quality of teaching is very good compared with other institutes or training centers. In the modules of SAS Training, we offer maximum exposure through real time scenario that will help student or candidate in cracking interviews.

At Adithyaelearning, amongst the finest SAS training centers in India, we offer outstanding interview training skills as well as how to have additional interview calls through professional services of resume preparation. It will assist any student for finding jobs easily compared to normal situations.

Online SAS Courses

We provide SAS Training on site as well as SAP Training online for setting your hectic lifestyle. All the SAS Training centers are provided with finest technologies in this world. We provide access to live SAS systems to all the students or clients for the hands-on performance. We also provide whole SAS materials as well as everything you require to make learning some breeze. Learn SAS Online is programmed normally at the time which suits you best. We also provide custom-made courses for the individuals and companies looking for finest SAS Administration Certification Online Training India.

Course Name SAS Administration Certification Course
Duration 25 Hours
Training Mode Instructor led Online Training
Training Schedule Flexible as per your Time Zone
Material Complete Certification Training Material
Server access Software
SAS Administration Video View
SAS Admin Course Content View
Resume Preparation Yes we Support
Mock Interview Yes we Conduct
Contact Number 91 8790679998

Contact Information ;
SKYPE ID: adithyaelearning
Contact : +91 8790679998, 


Sharepoint Development Online Training

Attending Share Point Development Online Classes In Accessing The ASP Architecture

ASP professionals handle default Microsoft programming. Including Share Point administration skills in your repertoire is a great idea. About 78% of the Fortune 500 companies integrate Share Point into their organizational architecture. The Web Application platform provides a comprehensive array of resources and tools to handle a broad diversity of functions. The administrator virtually integrates the functions of the entire organizational network on the ASP mainframe via the Share Point access.

Brief functional overview

Among the diversity of applications the web platform enables includes intranet development, closed group communications, facilitating extranet access, archiving of real time data, and analysis of running components for effective business decision execution. The administrator holds a key designation in the IT organization. You can also get a Share Point administrator job after completing a suitable certification course. Leading e-learning portals like adithyaelearning offer effective Share Point development certification online training.

Systematic training method

The modular approach of the training system makes it extremely convenient for candidates looking for a condensed course. The course would include video tutorials and textual notes to clarify essential concepts. Each student gains access to a password-protected virtual portal for completing the modules in a systematic manner. The experienced tutors are always available in clarifying the operational confusions of handling Share Point. Candidates need to pass at tests at the end of each module to pass over to the subsequent level. The course would sharpen the ASP development skills of the candidates into handling all critical aspects of core Share Point administration.

Setting collaborative standards

The familiar office interface of the web platform makes it very easy to grasp the various tools. This enables the administrator to integrate the Share Point mainframe matrix at all levels of the organization. The platform allows effective collaboration features. You can set up extranet access points for third party affiliates, integrating them into the network. A company progresses on drawing mutual benefit agreements with other services. Several services need to collaborate at various levels in attaining the set objectives. The Share Point administrator facilitates communication between different parties, essentially assisting overall progress of the entire interconnected network.

Critical analysis development

Adithyaelearning offers Share Point development online classes covering all critical aspects of effective management. The ASP matrix is also a real time data archive. Inputs frequently enter into the different aspects of the system. The administrator has to document the data, and engage in effective analytic interpretation. Developing specialized analysis skills into understanding major trends is crucial to set positive future targets. You can connect with the e-learning service at + 91 8790679998 for clarifying any doubts related to jobs and training on Share Point development.

The service is a reputed name in the e-learning segment, and offers a valid certificate to add up your core IT skill set. Share Point administrators have to handle diverse official responsibilities like obtaining licenses and access permissions.  Adithyaelearning would provide the necessary technical training.  The service would assist in securing a position at job interviews with leading services. Once you are in the mainframe, you learn to handle the official formalities by experience.

DownLoad  SharePoint Development Course Content

Contact Information ;
SKYPE ID: adithyaelearning
Contact : +91 8790679998, 9848371343

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