Cassandra Certification Online Training | Cassandra

Installing and configuring Cassandra:

Understanding the Cassandra architecture:

1. Introducing Cassandra’s node-based architecture
2. Understanding request coordination
3. Introducing the partitioning process
4. Introducing virtual nodes
5. Understanding replication
6. Understanding hinted handoff
7. Introducing consistency levels
8. Understanding tunable consistency
9. Introducing repair operations
10. Introducing internode communications
11. Surveying the system keyspace

1. Selecting and installing a Cassandra distribution for learning
2. Identifying key files and folders
3. Configuring a Cassandra node
4. Manually starting and stopping a Cassandra instance
5. Using Cassandra Cluster Manager (ccm)
6. Introducing CQL Shell (cqlsh)
7. Surveying CQL and running external files
8. Exploring a session, keyspace, and schema
9. Copying external data into tables, for development
10. Using DataStax DevCenter
11. Introducing node tool
12. Populating and testing nodes using Cassandra-stress
13. Locating additional tools

Learning the Cassandra read path:

1. Surveying basic read path concepts
2. Understanding how Memtables and SSTables operate in a read
3. Understanding the role of Bloom filters during a read
4. Understanding key and row caching
5. Understanding partition summaries and indexes
6.Accessing read performance statistics

Learning the Cassandra write path:

1. Surveying basic write path concepts
2. Understanding the CommitLog
3. Understanding mem tables and the CommitLog
4. Introducing SSTables and compaction
5. Understanding the data files
6. Understanding tombstones and compaction

Introducing the Cassandra Query Language (CQL):

1. Creating keyspaces and tables
2. Inserting data and executing queries
3. Deleting data
4. Introducing primary keys
5. Introducing compound primary keys and clustering columns
6. Ordering and filtering query results
7. Introducing composite partition keys
8. Introducing collections

Course Name Cassandra Online Training
Duration 30 – 35 Hours
Training Mode Instructor led Online Training
Selfpaced Videos
Training Schedule Flexible as per your Time Zone
Certificaiton Complete Certification Training online
Lab For hands on 24/7
Resume Preparation Yes we Support
Mock Interview Yes we Conduct
Cassandra Live recorded video
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