R Programming - Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

Data Science Online Training Course Content

ControlFlow, Functions File handling
Data Structures Numpy, Pandas
Regular Expression
R-Studio Installation,Basics
Data Visualisation using R and Python
Introduction to Statistic Mean,Median,Mode,Variation,Std.Deviation,
Common Data Distributions,
Probability density function,
Probability mass function,
Conditional Probability, Bayes’
Data Science Overview,Use cases
Introduction to Data Mining,
Data Acquisition,
Data Preprocessing or cleaning,
Outliers detection

Introduction to Recommender system
Content based recommendation engine
User based and item based collaborative filtering

Introduction to Machine Learning
Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
K Fold Cross Validation
Dimension laity eduction(PCA,SVD)

Regression(Linear,Polynomial,Multi Variate, Multi Level)

Bayesian Methods
Naive Bayse Classifier
Measuring Entropy
Random Forest
Bais-Variance Trade-Off

Support Vector Machines
K-Nearest Neighbours

Reinforcement Learning
Hidden Markov Model

Ensemble Learning

PySark- Spark Installation
Spark and Python Integration
RDD,DataFrames, Data Sets,

PySark- Spark Installation
Spark and Python Integration
RDD, DataFrames, Data Sets,

Regression(Linear, Polynomial,Multi Variate, Multi Level

Bayesian Methods
Naive Bayse Classifier
Measuring Entropy
DecisionTree, Random Forest
Bais-Variance Trade-Off

Neural Network and Deep Learning
Introduction,Theory TensorFlow Basics,
TensorFlow With ContribLearn

Natural Language Processing
NLP with R
NLP with Python

What is R programming in data analytics?


What is Cassandra, Cassandra Online Training

What is Cassandra & Cassandra Online Training:

Apache Cassandra is majorly used for managing and maintaining the huge amounts of data which is structured but spread across, as it is an open source with highly distributed and decentralized storage database. The most important feature of Apache Cassandra is that it provides service or processes the work flow with not even a single point of failure. Some of the standard and most important user friendly features of Apache Cassandra are as follows:

• It is one of the best fault tolerant database which is consistent & scalable at the same time.
• It resembles Amazon in its distribution design & Google in its data model.
• Most of that big time companies like Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Cisco, eBay and many more are using this and resource requirement of Apache Cassandra has increased by 28% in the last 2 years.

Cassandra online Training:
Cassandra online training at Adithya e-learning will help you master the mostly used and implemented NoSQL distributed database. We provide the best online training on Cassandra configuration, Hadoop integration, architecture data modelling, installation and other critical parts. The training covers the advanced concepts of Cassandra providing extensive knowledge on different concepts of Cassandra, Cassandra architecture which helps in building applications for big data and to work on high scalable models.
Know more about Cassandra by clicking here


What is Shop and Producers in Guide Wire Online Course?

Review ; Accounts


SHOP ;  An account is a perGuide wire Policy Online Courseson or organization which has or may have one or more policies.

A. Single Person can be associated to multiple accounts

B. Account could have many, one, or zero policies .



The producer is a Middle man who connects accounts to carriers

A. May work with multiple carriers and know which one is best for applicants needs.

B. Can Pre-Qualify applicant to ensure it makes sense for underwriter to offer quote .



A Contact is a person or a company . A Contact; May need to be contacted for policy information May be named on one or more policies.

PolicyCenter stores contact information on policies and accounts; this gives user the flexibility to manage, group and reuse contact information throughout the application. Users can define and maintain contactsHow contacts can change in policy center

at the account level and use them across polices. A user can have policy specific contact role information added at the policy level. Users can also enter and edit contact information on a policy, and have it update the account and unbound policies in the account.

Slove Problems Using IBM Maximo in Online Training Course

Slove Problems Using IBM Maximo in Online Training Course

How to Solve Problems Using IBM Maximo?

First, it Captures Performance Data.

  1. Directly
  2. Import
  3. Integration

Recognize Alarms before Failure.

Trigger Appropriate Response.

Leverage History

  1. Right Corrective actions
  2. Right Skills
  3. Right Material/tools

Get the work to the Tradesperson Quickly

Correct the Problem and Provide Feed Back / Follow – UP.

  1. What is Condition Monitoring in Maximo?
  2. Optimize the uptime of your Assets by;
  3. Leverage data available from the Dynamic Infrastructure and Smart Devices.
  4. Be able to recognize potential issues before they become REAL Problems.
  5. Respond with an approach that is a known, viable resolution that is proven to work.
  6. Have the Experience and information that you gather contribute to continued improvement.

Meet your goals with IBM Maximo Online Training  

QlikView 12.10 SR4 Certification Online Training

QlikView 12.10 SR4 Certification Online Training

A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time varying non-volatile, collection of data in support of the management’s decision-making process.

QlikView Online Training Course Content
1) What is QlikView?
How does QlikView differ from traditional BI?
Associative user experience
Adoption path
Getting QlikView
Navigating the document
Slicing and dicing your data
Changing the view

2) The technology and components behind QlikView
The way the data flows
When QlikView use expands
Create content
Reload, publish, and distribute content
Consume content

3) Preparing the workspace
Setting up the folder structure
Creating the QlikView document
Creating the app
The requirements
Constructing the data model
Creating the dashboard tab

4) Data Sources
Using ODBC and OLE DB drivers
Accessing custom data sources
Reading table files
Extracting data from MS Access
The resulting data model
Loading a table file
The resulting script
QVD and QVX files
Loading an Inline table

5) Data Modeling
Creating the dimensional model
Dimensional models in QlikView

6) The associative data model
Guidelines for table associations
How associations are created
Avoiding data model conflicts
The Table Viewer window
Table information
Field information
Table Preview
Table viewer menu

7) Styling U
Design requirements
The Document Properties window
The Sheet Properties dialog
Setting the object properties
Working with list boxes
The Multi Box
The Current Selections Box
Adding a Bookmark Object
Aligning and resizing sheet objects
Creating and applying a default color map

8) Building Dashboards
User types
Creating the Analysis sheet
Creating the new Dashboard sheet
Creating the Reports sheet
Other charts

9) Scripting
The Script Editor
Script statements
Conditional functions
Dealing with different data types
Debugging script
Standardizing and organizing script
Re-using scripts
Managing file locations and connection strings

10) Data Modeling Best Practices
Data consistency
Dealing with dimensions without facts
An alternative approach
Dealing with facts without dimensions
Reducing storage requirements
Design challenges of data modeling
The master calendar
A final note on data modeling

11) Basic Data Transformation
Changing the source table structure

12) Advanced Expressions
Using variables
Using the TOTAL qualifier
The Aggr function
Conditional functions
A tip on copying expressions

13) Set Analysis and Point In Time Reporting
The magic of Set Analysis
Point In Time Reporting
Comparative analysis with alternate states
Always validate

14) Advanced Data Transformation
Data architecture
Loading data already stored in QlikView
Aggregating data
Sorting tables
The Peek function
Merging forces
Dealing with slowly changing dimensions
Ordering, peeking and matching all at once
Incremental loads

15) More on Visual Design and User Experience
Creating a consistent QlikView UI
Additional interactivity

16) Security
Hidden script
Section access
Document-level security
Sheet-level security


IBM Maximo Asset Management Online Training Course Content

Unit 1: IBM Maximo asset management overview

Lesson 1: Asset management
• IBM Maximo Asset Management solution
• Asset life cycle management and Maximo

Lesson 2: Framework overview
• IBM Maximo Asset Management
• Architecture
• Connectivity
• Applications and functional areas
• Applications and the User Interface (UI)
• The Start Center
• General interface components
• Asynchronous validation of heads-down data entry
• Asynchronous validation features
• Asynchronous validation benefits
• Data querying and retrieval
• List tab
• Partial word or character string
• Search operators

Lesson 3: Business requirements overview
• Determining requirements
• Flows of business processes
• Business processes that are supported

Lesson 4: Performance metrics
• Key performance indicators (KPIs)
• Benchmarks and performance goals
• Maximo key performance Indicators (KPIs) and reports
• KPI Manager application
• Start Center KPIs
• KPI Cron Tasks
• Report Administration application
• KPIs, reports, and implementation

Unit 2: Data setup and configuration
Lesson 1: System configuration and data setup overview
• Initial database setup
• Creating and registering an initial user
• Secondary data and database setup
• Record identification and auto number

Lesson 2: Entering and configuring organizations and sites
• Overview of multisite and multi organization strategy
• Data levels of a multisite and multi-organization environment
• Data that is stored at the system level
• Data that is stored at the set level
• Set types
• Set level setup
• Data that is stored at the organization level
• Data that is stored at the site level
• System, set, organization, and site interrelationships
• Graphical overview of interrelationships
• Planning organizations and sites

• Example 1: Multiple locales as one site
• Example 2: Multiple locales as separate organizations
• Record identification and numbering considerations
• Organizations and site setup
• Creating and activating organizations and sites
• Organizations application: Addresses tab
• Organizations application: Sites tab
• Data pre requisites for organization setup
• Currencies and organizations setup
• GL accounts and organizations setup
• GL accounts and organizations
• Account components
• Account code
• GL order and component sequence
• GL Order field
• Required check box
• Chart of Accounts
• Minimum requirements
• Defining the GL component code
• Sets and organizations setup
• Sets and organizations setup rules
• The Sets application
• Automatically creating companies
• Deleting and deactivating organizations and sites
• Deleting an organization
• Deactivating an organization
• Activating an organization
• Deactivating a site within an organization
• Organizations Select Action menu
• System-level options
• Autonumber seeds
• Autonumber prefixes
• Set-level options
• Organization-level options
• Organization-level option considerations
• Organization-level option descriptions
• Site-level options
• Site-level option considerations
• Site-level option descriptions

Lesson 3: Defining and organizing the classifications hierarchy
• Classifications overview
• Classifications use case
• Classifications and attributes overview
• Classifications and attributes use case
• Classifications setup
• Working with attributes and domains
• Setup considerations

Lesson 4: Defining and creating locations and location hierarchies
• Locations overview
• Additional points
• Location hierarchy.
• Parent-child design
• Location example
• Systems overview
• Location types
• Location status
• GL accounts to use and considerations
• Priority use and considerations
• Priority ranges
• Failure Class field
• Locations and systems setup
• System setup process
• Setup questions to consider.
• Setup tips

Lesson 5: Defining and registering users and labor
• Everyone is a person
• Person records.
• Status
• The Person Groups application
• Security groups and user profiles
• The security module
• Implementation questions to consider
• The Security Groups application
• The Users application
• Managing users
• Security groups and user profile setup
• Dependent versus independent groups
• Conditional access and data restrictions
• Data and attribute restrictions
• Conditional option access
• Implementation security groups
• Labor and craft records
• Labor setup
• Organization labor options
• Multiple skill levels for crafts
• Crafts setup
• Inheritance pay codes
• Setup questions to consider
• Craft and labor key performance indicators

Unit 3: Item and asset planning and setup

Lesson 1: Item and asset setup overview
• Key applications
• Nonrotating versus rotating item
• Review of item sets

• Lesson 2: Defining and setting up items and assets
• Item Master records
• Item Master application
• Storeroom and Inventory management
• Item Master application tabs
• Item tab
• Storeroom tab
• Vendors tab
• Specification tab
• Item Assembly Structure tab
• Inventory application .
• Inventory item reservations
• Specifications and attributes .
• Item Assembly Structure (IAS)
• Nonrotating items setup
• Inventory application tabs
• Inventory tab
• Reorder Details tab
• Rotating Assets tab
• Where Used tab
• Organizations inventory options
• Inventory Defaults options
• ABC Breakpoints
• Reorder option
• Inventory Costs option

Lesson 3: Entering assets information
• Asset setup
• The Asset Templates application
• The Assets application
• Assets Application tabs
• Asset tab
• Maintaining hierarchy and bundling assets
• Failure Class
• Failure Class and Code setup
• Spare Parts tab
• Safety tab
• Meters tab
• Meter setup
• Meter group setup
• Specifications tab
• Asset status
• GL accounts use and considerations
• Priority use and considerations
• Related modules and applications
• Associating people to assets and locations
• Organizations Asset options

Unit 4: Purchasing
Lesson 1: Procurement process and setup overview
• Basic Maximo purchasing process
• Purchasing life cycle and applications
• Supporting data of companies and company master
• Company creation and setup
• Vendors
• Company branches
• Sets considerations .
• Company Master application
• Revisiting the Sets application
• Company Master application considerations
• Company Master application benefits
• Master contracts
• Warranty contracts
• Warranty Contracts application tabs
• Contract tab
• Properties tab .
• Contract Lines tab
• Associated Assets tab
• Terms and Conditions tab
• Warranty Contracts application: Select Action menu

Lesson 2: Requisitioning
• Requisitioning overview
• Purchase Request (PR) types
• Purchase requests
• Desktop Requisitions
• Request for quotations
• PR status
• PR lines

Lesson 3: Purchase Orders (POs)
• Purchase order
• Purchase ordering overview
• Methods for creating POs
• PO status
• Waiting on approval and approval limits
• Editing POs
• Approving POs
• Revising POs
• Canceling POs

Lesson 4: Receiving materials and services
• Receiving materials and services
• Receipt types
• Completion of receipts
• Line status
• Holding locations
• Statuses

• Lesson 5: Invoice reconciliation
• Invoices overview
• Key terms
• Types of invoices
• Invoice statuses
• 3-1 match
• Basic process for invoice reconciliation

Unit 5: Work management
Lesson 1: Work management processes and setup overview

• Work occurrences
• The Work Orders module
• Work Orders module applications
• Additional modules and applications that support work orders
• Module Relationships diagram
• Work orders and assets
• Work orders and inventory
• Work orders and purchasing
• Work orders and planning
• Work orders and preventive maintenance
• Work orders and service requests .
• Work order life cycle
• Organizations work order options
• Managing work orders
• Work types
• Work order status
• Work order priority
• Priority value range Implementation Considerations
• Instructor demonstration

Lesson 2: Setting up job plans
• Job plans
• Work plans
• The Planning module
• Setting up job plans
• Job Plans application
• Job Plans application tabs
• Job Plan subtabs
• Organization and site fields
• Job Plans, organizations, and sites
• Labor
• Materials
• Applying the job plan to work orders
• Meters and tasks
• Job Plan Tasks window
• Job plan overview
• Task numbering and sequencing
• Subtabs
• The Labor subtab
• The Materials subtab
• The Services sub tab
• The Tools subtab
• Adding work assets to a job plan
• The Work Assets tab
• Job Plan status

Lesson 3: Setting up scheduled or routine work
• Preventive maintenance (PM) options
• Setting up PMs
• Preventive Maintenance (PM)
• Work assets and PMs
• Preventive Maintenance application tabs .
• Important fields on the PM tab
• PM frequencies
• The Frequency tab: Work order generation information
• Fixed and floating PM schedules
• The Seasonal Dates tab
• The Job Plan Sequence tab
• How Maximo selects a sequenced job plan
• The PM Hierarchy tab
• PM generation
• Time-based PMs
• Meter-based PMs
• Important meter-based PM fields
• Last work order information section
• Next Work Order projections section
• PM status
• Master PMs
• The Master PM application
• Associated PMs
• Considerations in creating and associating Master PMs
• Master PM tabs

Lesson 4: Creating and generating tickets and work orders
• Applications working together
• Work Order (WO) creation
• Generating PM work orders
• PM Work Order generation methods
• Generating a work order from an asset meter reading
• Generating a work order record with Quick Reporting
• Service desk tickets
• Applying routes to a work order

Lesson 5: Planning work
• Applications working together
• Work plans
• Planning by using Work Order Tracking
• The Plans tab
• The Log tab
• Material reservations
• Viewing material availability and reservations
• Modifying work order work plans
• Children inheriting a parent status change
• Creating a job plan from a work plan
• Removing work plans
• Children WO status

Lesson 6: Assigning work
• Applications working together
• Work assignments
• Assignments
• The Assignment Manager application
• Considerations: Organizations, sites, and calendars
• Work Orders and a work group
• Work list status definitions
• Assigning work to a laborer
• Viewing work assignments
• Dispatch function overview
• The Start Assignment action
• The Interrupt Assignment action
• The Finish Assignment action
• Interrupting an assignment
• Restarting an interrupted assignment

Lesson 7: Initiating work
• Applications working together
• The Inventory Usage application
• Initiating work

Lesson 8: Completing and reporting on work
• Applications working together
• Actuals reporting applications .
• Accepting charges .
• COMP and CLOSE statuses
• COMP status and actual finish time
• Indicating a COMP status on the work order
• Indicating a CLOSE status


Microsoft Azure Certification Course Content

Introduction to cloud computing and Azure
What is Subscribing to Microsoft Azure
What are Azure Portals
What is Azure Resource Group
What is Azure IAAS Virtual Machine
What is Create a Windows/Linux Virtual Machine
What is Understanding and Creating Availability Sets?
What is Load Balancing between multiple Virtual machines
What is Azure Virtual Networks
What is Create a VNet using Azure Portal and Network Security Group
What is Azure Storage
What is BLOBS
What are Tables
What is Queues
What is Azure App Services-Web Apps
What are App Types
What is Deploying Web App directly from Visual Studio
What is Scaling a Web Apps
What is Understanding Deployment Slots
What is Windows Azure SQL Database
What is Comparing SQL Azure Database to Azure / on-premise SQL Server
What is Creating and Using SQL Server and SQL Database
What is Monitoring Azure SQL Database
What is Azure Active Directory
What is Azure AD
Relationship between AD DS and Azure AD
What is Managing Users
What are Groups and Devices

Apple, IOS Online Training from India

APPLE, IOS Certification Online Training Course Content

Creating a Xcode Project for iPhone
Using the IOS Interface Builder
Model-View-Controller in IOS
Declaring instance variables in IOS & methods
Setting connections in IOS to UI Views, Setting targets and actions
Deploying an Application in IOS Application lifecycle
IOS Data Types
How to Create an instance in IOS and various Instance methods
Try Sending messages
Destroying an instance
Collection, NS Array
IOS NS Mutable Array
NS Dictionary, IOS NS Mutable Dictionary
Sub-classing an Objective-C Class
Instance Variables
Accessors and properties
Initializers, Self, Super, Class methods
IOS Object ownership
Retain IOS count management
IOS UI Button/UI Segment Control/UI Switch
Setting targets and actions
IOS Implementation methods

IOS UI Text Filed
What are protocols in IOS Implementing delegate methods
CL Location & CL Location Manager in IOS
IOS Model-View_Controller Design pattern
IOS Life Cycle of View Controllers
Using IOS Interface Builder Programmatically
UI Navigation bar/UI Navigation Item
Creation of UI Navigation Controller for IOS
Creation of IOS UI Tab Bar Controller
Using Interface Builder
Creation of Custom IOS UI Table View & Controller
Creation of UI Table View
Using the IOS Interface Builder
Custom UI Table View in IOS
Editing a UI Table View Deleting/Moving/Inserting rows
IOS Camera, Phone Library, UI Image View
Moving an Image View based on gestures in IOS
Responding to Touch Events in IOS
About Layer in IOS & UI View IOS Animation
Playing Video & Audio Files in IOS
Types of Storages in IOS, IOS NS User Defaults, SQLite, Core Data in IOS, Files
Center, UID Custom & Device Notifications
Access data from IOS User Defaults & Storing data in NS User Defaults
About App SandBox in IOS
Reading Data from files in IOS & Writing data to files in IOS
About DML and Integration of SQLite into Apps in IOS
About IOS XML and XML Parsing in IOS
IOS Basic Thread Programming and Create Custom thread to fetch data from URL in IOS
About Webservices
Simple IOS RSS Reader App
Fetching data from URL in IOS
XML Parsing, Integrate with UI
About Core Data
Store/Retrieve data using IOS core data framework
Build Sample IOS app using core data

Overview of Developer/Provisional certificates, Prepare IOS App store build
Overview of Address Book API in IOS
Overview of map kit programming in IOS I App in IOS
Overview of iPad Application UI Pop-over Controller & UI Split View Controller




Data Modeling Online Training Course Content

Data Model Defined
What Is a Data Model?
Why Data Modeling?
Who Performs Data Modeling?
Conceptual Data Modeling
Data Model Components
Data Modeling Steps
Data Model Quality
Significance of Data Model Quality
Data Model Characteristics
Ensuring Data Model Quality
Data System Development
Data System Development Life Cycle
Roles and Responsibilities
Modeling the Information Requirements
Applying Agile Modeling Principles
Data Modeling Approaches and Trends
Data Modeling Approaches
Modeling for Data Warehouse
Data Modeling Approaches
Semantic Modeling
Relational Modeling
Entity-Relationship Modeling
Methods and Techniques
Anatomy of a Data Model
Data Model Composition
Models at Different Levels
Conceptual Model: Review Procedure
Conceptual Model: Identifying Components
Creation of Models
Entity Types
Specialization Generalization
Review of the Model Diagram
Logical Model: Overview
Model Components
Transformation Steps
Relational Model
Physical Model: Overview
Model Components
Transformation Steps
Entity Types or Object Sets
Comprehensive Definition
Identifying Entity Types
Generalization and Specialization
Why Generalize or Specialize?
Supertypes and Subtypes
Generalization Hierarchy
Recursive Structures
Conceptual and Physical
Modeling Time Dimension
Entity Validation Checklist
Properties or Characteristics
Attributes as Data
Attribute Values
Names and Descriptions
Attribute Domains
Definition of a Domain
Domain Information
Attribute Values and Domains
Value Set
Null Values
Types of Attributes
Single-Valued and Multivalued Attributes
Simple and Composite Attributes
Attributes with Stored and Derived Values
Identifiers or Keys
Need for Identifiers
Definitions of Keys
Relationship: Two-Sided
Relationship Sets
Double Relationships
Relationship Attributes
Degree of Relationships
Unary Relationship
Binary Relationship
Ternary Relationship
Quaternary Relationship
Structural Constraints
Cardinality Constraint
Participation Constraint
Entity Existence
Relationship Types
Identifying Relationship
Nonidentifying Relationship
Maximum and Minimum Cardinalities
Mandatory Conditions: Both Ends
Optional Condition: One End
Optional Condition: Other End
Optional Conditions: Both Ends
Special Cases
Access Pathways
Design Issues
Relationship or Entity Type?
Ternary Relationship or Aggregation?
Binary or N-ary Relationship?
One-to-One Relationships
One-to-Many Relationships
Circular Structures
Redundant Relationships
Multiple Relationships
Relationship Validation Checklist
Informal Design
Forming Relations from Requirements
Potential Problems
Update Anomaly
Deletion Anomaly
Addition Anomaly
Normalization Methodology
Strengths of the Method
Application of the Method
Normalization Steps
Fundamental Normal Forms
First Normal Form
Second Normal Form
Third Normal Form
Boyce-Codd Normal Form
Higher Normal Forms
Fourth Normal Form
Fifth Normal Form
Domain-Key Normal Form
Normalization Summary
Review of the Steps
Normalization as Verification
Decision-Support Systems
Need for Strategic Information
History of Decision-Support Systems
Operational Versus Informational Systems
System Types and Modeling Methods
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Defined
Major Components
Data Warehousing Applications
Modeling: Special Requirements
Dimensional Modeling
Dimensional Modeling Basics
STAR Schema
Snowflake Schema
Families of STARS
Transition to Logical Model
OLAP Systems
Features and Functions of OLAP
Dimensional Analysis
OLAP Implementation Approaches
Data Modeling for OLAP
Data Mining Systems
Basic Concepts
Data Mining Techniques
Data Preparation and Modeling
Data Preprocessing
Data Modeling