How to start Snowflake Certification course Online

How to start Snowflake Certification course Online

Is the Snowflake database platform a good replacement for Hadoop? OR  Can snowflake be the accurate replacement for Hadoop?

Companies from various spheres are highly investing in big data analytics. The companies are analyzing their databases for finding the hidden patterns, strange correlations, marketing trends, customer experience, and varied business information. With these findings, they can be able to improve their company in numerous ways.

Many data frameworks are available for the companies to use, but out of others, snowflake and Hadoop are the prominent ones. Various big companies are likely to be using Snowflake and Hadoop as their big data framework solutions. While many companies who are using Hadoop for a longer time and desire to switch on to Snowflake big data platform should read on to this article. It will introduce you to the major features of both platforms to find out whether Snowflake can be a good replacement for Snowflake or not.

How is Hadoop’s performance different from Snowflake’s?

Hadoop was designed for continuously compiling the data from different resources without worrying about the data type and storage across the distributed environment. On the other hand, snowflake’s beauty lies in virtual warehouses. It provides the virtual workload and capacity.

Which platform provides the ease of usability? 

In Hadoop, the data can be easily injected by using the shell or integrating it with other tools such as Sqoop and flume. Whereas the snowflake database platform can be set up and gets into running mode in minutes. With snowflake, the requirement of deploying and configuring hardware or software becomes zero.


With the above discussion, it’s clear that in comparison to Hadoop, Snowflake will enable you to deliver deeper insights and add more value. This makes Snowflake a good replacement for Hadoop.


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