Mulesoft ESB Online Course Conent

Mulesoft ESB Online Training Course in Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Module 1: Introducing the Anypoint Platform

 Describe the benefits of Any point Platform and MuleSoft’s approach to be successful with it
 What is MuleSoft and ESB, and competitors to MuleSoft
 Before and after ESB(mule soft) and How the mule soft operates
 Advantages with MuleSoft
 Mule any point platform and its components
 Describe the purpose of each file and folder in a Mule project
 Any point Studio to create Mule flows graphically
 Describe the role of each component in building application networks
 Logging message processors data
 Read and write message properties
 Build, run, and test a Mule application
 Application local testing

Mulesoft ESB Online Training Course in Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Module 2: Structuring Mule Applications

 Use flows, sub-flows, private flows, sync, and flow references
 Specify application properties in a separate properties file and use them in the application
 Encapsulate global elements in separate configuration files, mule domain project

Module 3: Basics

 Create variables, payload, attributes
 Define Mule properties and create properties files, along with types of properties files and
 definition types
 Read and write event properties
 Write expressions with the DataWeave expression language
 Log event data
 Debug Mule applications

Module 4: Debugging and Troubleshooting Mule Applications

 Use breakpoints to inspect a Mule event during runtime
 Install missing Maven dependencies
 Read and decipher Mule log error messages

Mulesoft ESB Online Training Course in Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Module 5: Writing DataWeave Transformations

 Ways to write data weave scripts
 Write DataWeave expressions for basic to extensive XML, JSON, flat file transformations
 Write DataWeave transformations for complex data structures with repeated elements
 Define and use global and local variables and functions
 Read and write files using DataWeave scripts
 Use DataWeave functions
 Coerce and format strings, numbers, and dates
 Call Mule flows from DataWeave expression

Module 6: Scopes

 Configure and use batch processing
 Use the Cache Scope to store and reuse frequently called data
 Create and manage caching strategies
 Use Enrichers to enhance a Mule message
 send continuous messages until endpoint acknowledges

Module 7: Flow Control

 Use splitters, aggregators, and multicast routers
 Use the For-each scope

Module 8: Using Connectors

 Using Http and Https connector to send and receive secure and non-secures and exposing
 services over the internet
 Retrieve data from a Database using the Database connector

 Create parameterized SQL
 queries for the Database connector
 Retrieve data from a REST service using HTTP Request or a REST Connector
 Use a Web Service Consumer connector to consume SOAP web services
 Use the Transform Message component to pass arguments to a SOAP web service
 List, read, and write local files using the File connector
 List, read, and write remote files using the FTP connector
 Use the JMS connector to publish and listen for JMS messages

Module 9: Routing Events

 Use the Choice router to route events based on conditional logic
 Use the Scatter-Gather router to multicast events
 Validate data using the Validation module

Module 10: Controlling Event Flow

 Multicast events
 Route events based on conditions
 Validate events

Module 11: Handling Errors

 Handle messaging errors at the application, flow, and processor level
 Handle different types of errors, including custom errors
 Use different error scopes to either handle an error and continue execution of the
 Parent flow or propagate an error to the parent flow
 Set the success and error response settings for an HTTP Listener
 Set reconnection strategies for system errors

Module 12: Triggering Flows

 Read and write files
 Trigger flows when files are added, created, or updated within the folder
 Trigger flows when new records are added to a database table
 Schedule flows to run at a certain time or frequency
 Persist and share data inflows using the Object Store
 Publish and consume JMS messages

Module 13: Processing Records

 Process items in a collection using the For Each scope
 Process records using the Batch Job scope
 Use filtering and aggregation in a batch step

Module 14: Introducing Application Networks and API-Led Connectivity

 Describe how to build an application network using API-led connectivity
 Explain what web services and APIs are
 Make calls to secure and unsecured APIs

Module 15: Building APIs

 Use Anypoint Studio to build, run, and test Mule applications
 Use a connector to connect to database
 Use the graphical DataWeave editor to transform data
 Create RESTful interfaces for applications from RAML files
 Connect API interfaces to API implementations

Module 16: Consuming Web Services

 Consume web services that have a connector in Anypoint Exchange, Consume RESTful web services
 Consume SOAP web services
 Pass parameters to SOAP web services using the Transform Message component
 Transform data from multiple services to a canonical format

Module 17: Deploying and Managing APIs

 Describe the options for deploying Mule applications

Module 18: Best Practices

 Deploy Mule applications to Cloud Hub
 Use API Manager to create and deploy API proxies
 Use API Manager to restrict access to API proxies
 Validate JSON files with Schema reference
 Execute business logic on other programming languages like java

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