SAS BI Certification Online Training from India
What is SAS BI:
SAS BI – called Business Intelligence is a bundle of applications that helps in allowing and displaying data for the enterprises. An overview of what can be learned in SAS BI
- Prepare Data
- Display Data
- Helpers
- Administration
Prepare Data – Preparation of data to view it in Bi tool. This is usually done because raw data exists in relational databases like oracle, mysql etc. Then it is placed in OLAP cubes or information maps to view it.
- SAS OLAP cubes – This helps in summarization of huge data to make it easy for viewing and drilling down information.
- SAS information Map Studios – The original purpose of these information maps is to join data, rename variable and make it into a business friendly data.
Display Data – Once the data is prepared, there are many tools to display it, such as:
- SAS Web report studio – Creates reports from OLAP cubes, Info maps, SAS datasets.
- SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
- SAS BI Dashboard
- SAS information delivery portal
Helpers – It involves the following:
- SAS Enterprise guide
- SAS prompt framework
- SAS stored Processes
Administration – Thiswill basically allow users to administrate system and control data access. Understand more about this here by signing up for a free demo.
Data Integration Studio in SAS :
SAS Data Integration Studio (SAS DI) is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for generating and managing SAS codes. SAS Data Integration Studio (SAS DI) is used in building, implementing and managing data integration process as it is a most powerful tool with user friendly visual design, irrespective of the data sources. This also automates and supports integration and running of large enterprise projects in spite of the repeatable processes. Also the changes made across data integration process will change the impact analysis after creation and management of data and meta data. SAS Data integration also helps users to fine tune data integration by editing and changing, this also helps users to capture and manage standardized metadata from any source and also to understand enterprise metadata and data integration process for easy display and visualization. One most advantageous feature with SAS DI is that it enables programmers to write and blend tailor made code into the process for reusable purposes as well.
Following are different versions of SAS DI:
SAS DI studio was earlier called as SAS ETL studio. Being SAS 9.4 the recent version with compatibility to Versions 4.7 & 4.9, there are versions from 3.3 that compatible with SAS 9.1.