Tag - Advanced Sharepoint Development training and placement

Advanced Sharepoint Development Course

SharePoint Development Training

I) Fundamentals of SharePoint

a) Introduction to SharePoint
b) Understanding the features of SharePoint
c)Versions of SharePoint

II) Out of Box features of SharePoint

a) Creating SharePoint Sites and understanding the templates
b) Creating Lists and Libraries etc.
c) Understanding Outofbox webparts of SharePoint
d)Understating Outofbox Workflows of SharePoint
e) Permissions of Creating groups and understanding roles

III) Site Collection admin activities

a) Navigation Settings
b) List Templates and Site Templates
c)Creating pages and maintaining SharePoint Sites.
d)Understating the Features and its Scope
e) Understanding basic Central administration activities

iV) Server-Side Object Model

a) Understanding Serve Side Object Classes
b) Using Visual Studio Creating List, Libraries etc.
c) Visual Webparts
d)List Definition
e) Site Definition
f) Features Development

V) Client-Side Object Model

a) Understanding Client-Side Object Model classes
b) Examples on Client-Side object Model

SharePoint online Development:

a) Understanding differences between on-premises and Online Sites
b) Features of SharePoint Modern Sites
c)Basic tenant Administration
d)Site Contents and Site Setting in Modern Sites
e) Modern Webparts and Pages
f) JavaScript Object Model in SharePoint Online
g) Rest API in SharePoint online
h) SPFX Development in SharePoint modern Sites
g) Power APSS

MS Flows
Azure Run Books
Basic Idea on Sharegate Migration
Look books
Teams and One drive experience with SharePoint Online

Creating small Project in SharePoint Online by using all the features of it.